1. To ensure the enjoyment and safety of all visitors and staff, the CopperString Experience Centre Terms of Access outline the conditions applying to all persons whilst they are at the CopperString Experience Centre (referred to in these Terms of Access as the 'Venue').


  1. These Terms of Access apply to all visitors while they are at the Venue.
  2. By entering the Venue, visitors accept and agreed to be bound by these Terms of Access.


  1. Visitors must comply with all reasonable requests, instruction or directions made by Powerlink or Powerlink staff or authorised personnel.
  2. Visitors bring personal effects, prams and strollers onto the premises at their own risk. Care must be taken to avoid damage to other visitors as well as objects and displays. Visitors may store items in available lockers or designated storage areas.
  3. Any filming or recording at the Venue must have the prior approval of Powerlink.
  4. Visitors must comply with all applicable laws and regulations in relation to the use of the Venue.
  5. Smoking (including the use of electronic cigarettes, or similar devices that are designed to simulate smoking) is prohibited at the Venue, or within 5 metres of the Venue entrance(s).
  6. Powerlink reserves the right to (acting reasonably):
    • refuse entry to any person or remove or evict any person from the Venue who:
      • does not comply with any Queensland Government Chief Health Officer health direction under the Public Health Act 2005 (Qld);
      • is in breach of these Terms of Access;
      • is not entitled to attend the Venue (eg for private events);
      • is a media representative who has not obtained prior consent from Powerlink (access requests and media enquiries are to be directed to our media contact available on Powerlink's Contact Us page on the Powerlink website);
      • is under the influence of drugs or alcohol; or
      • is or has exhibited behaviour that is considered unacceptable by Powerlink;
    • impose a temporary or permanent ban on a visitor in instances where their actions are deemed by Powerlink to be sufficiently serious to compromise someone's safety or amount to a serious breach of the Terms of Access];
    • inspect any bag, luggage or object, however described, upon entry to and before leaving the Venue;
    • dispose of lost property [after 1 week (or lesser time if unsanitary or unsafe to store)];
    • photograph, film or record events and activities taking place at the Venue for reporting, archival or promotional purposes and collect and use a person's image or likeness, as part of any recording of events at the Venue; and
    • use Closed-Circuit Television surveillance systems at and around the Venue. More information about this is available in Powerlink's Privacy Statement, available on the Powerlink website.
  7. Visitors and users acknowledge and accept that these Terms of Access may be updated from time to time.



  1. Visitors to the Venue must:
    • act in a courteous and respectful manner;
    • wear appropriate clothing at all times, including footwear;
    • if under 17, be accompanied by, and under direct supervision of, a carer or guardian (absent which authorities may be contacted);
    • not consume food or drink in the Venue;
    • be responsible for ensuring their own safety concerning medical conditions or medical devices that might be affected by interactive exhibits;
    • leave if directed to do so by Powerlink staff;
    • only enter during opening hours unless otherwise authorised.
  2. Visitors to the Venue must not:
    • harm, offend, cause distress or fear for Powerlink staff or visitors. This includes unruly or antisocial behaviour, harassment of others, using offensive language, or wearing or displaying offensive materials, signs, symbols or imagery;
    • assault, threaten or intimidate Powerlink staff or other visitors;
    • administer, consume or smoke any illegal drug or substance;
    • leave personal belongings unattended;
    • take photos, film or record another person without that person's consent;
    • make excessive noise;
    • bring animals into the Venue with the exception of Guide, Hearing or Assistance animals;
    • unless authorised, must not enter any part of the Venue that is restricted to public access.
  3. Visitors are requested to respect the area surrounding the Venue by acting in an appropriate manner, not littering and not making excessive noise when entering or exiting the Venue.


  1. Powerlink reserves the right to refuse entry to visitors carrying prohibited items, or confiscate those items.
  2. Items which, in the opinion of Powerlink, have the potential to cause injury, nuisance or inconvenience to any other person will not be permitted into the Venue.
  3. Prohibited items include:
    • drugs or alcohol;
    • dangerous or illegal substances;
    • weapons and potential weapons as determined by Powerlink or Queensland Police Service; and
    • flares, fireworks, explosives, smoke bombs or other incendiary devices.


  1. In creating these conditions of entry the human rights of persons entering the Venue has been considered in accordance with the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld).]